what is career counseling


Stress- A topic we always talk. None of us can bypass it.  We experience it in our daily life while, working, studying and while performing any silly task. Even a child talk about it.  And each one of us just wants to get rid of it. Wait.. Is it possible to get rid of stress? What is the meaning of stress?

As defined in the dictionary, “Stress is pressure. It is defined as a state of psychological and physiological imbalance resulting from the disparity between situational demands and the individual’s ability to meet those needs.”  We experience it whenever we need to leave our comfort zone. One might think, ‘is it important to leave our comfort zone?  If we don’t leave it, we  can stay happy forever, Can’t we?’ 

 It motivates us to achieve something. In short, it is an inevitable part of our life. 

Positive points about stress-

Stress keeps us moving. It helps us to achieve and helps us to use our potential. We have progressed so much as a human being is only because we had stress. 

However, excessive stress is always dangerous for life. It’s like running our car with its  topmost speed. It might cause an accident. It always has ill-effects on our body and mind.

We cannot get rid of it, but we can manage it.  There are seminars, talks and workshops on this topic. One can easily talk for hours on this topic.  However, it is quite difficult to apply.  

Stress Management-

While managing stress we must first understand and accept what is exactly stressful for us. These stressful events can be noted down. Most of the times, we face stress because there is less time in our hands. We can manage our time. If we make it a habit our stress is automatically managed.

If we note down the stressful situations, we realize that actually, the situation is not stressful, but how we react to it creates stress. So, before reacting we can always buy some time by deep breathing, keeping our head cool, calming down ourselves.

We can manage our time and resources effectively. We can set the priorities and work on it.

Remember, most of the times we can have control over the situation. And, if we couldn’t control the situation, we can always change our attitude towards it.

About Vasudha Deshpande-Korde

Vasudha Deshpande-Korde, Clinical Psychologist and counselor.

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